Cloud Computing Creative Testing

The Challenge

A leading cloud and virtualization software provider was preparing for the global launch of a new messaging campaign, targeting decision-makers for emerging cloud technologies.  Illuminas was commissioned to validate the messaging concepts with the target audience, refine the messaging strategy based on market feedback, and understand potential impact/effectiveness of the campaign. 

The Solution

We conducted a series of focus groups to test the creative.

  • MESSAGE RATING in which the target audience rated the messages for overall perceptions, clarity, credibility, etc.
  • BRAND PERSONALITY exercise to identify client and competitor perceived brand personalities and whether messaging ‘fit’ with those perceptions
  • DETAILED CONVERSATIONS with the target audience to gain a deeper understanding of how to refine messaging

The Insight

  • Confirmed adaption and understanding of new technologies among target markets, validating messaging concept
  • Revealed that competitive strategy within campaign reflected negatively on the client brand, resulting in adjustments to campaign
  • Identified potential campaign adjustments that align with market priorities, while maximizing corporate brand strengths